Wairarapa Property Investors' Association

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LVR restrictions Fact Sheet

Here is a guide to borrowers
10-11-2015 more >>

Ground-breaking new policy to make homes cheaper

Labour’s ground-breaking new policy on reforming planning rules will make housing more affordable, Labour’s Housing spokesperson Phil Twyford says.
07-11-2015 more >>

Social housing changes to house people sooner

Changes to discourage people from refusing reasonable social housing offers will help house vulnerable New Zealanders sooner, Social Housing Minister Paula Bennett says.
05-11-2015 more >>

Tenancy bond payments go online next year

Building and Housing Minister Dr Nick Smith today welcomed the signing of a contract between the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) and information technology company Unisys to build a new system that will enable landlords to lodge tenancy bonds online.
02-11-2015 more >>

Landlords be ready - buy Brian Kerr's landlording books

As a landlord you never know what is around the corner. You can be ready for any eventuality if you have Brian Kerr’s books as your ready reference. Now is the time to purchase at sale prices.
01-11-2015 more >>

New Zealand awarded excellence in community housing

New Zealanders have beaten stiff competition from Australia, picking up multiple awards at a ceremony celebrating excellence in community housing this week.
01-11-2015 more >>

Building consents issued September 2015

Auckland and its surrounding regions have driven most of the recent growth in building consents for new dwellings, Statistics New Zealand said today
30-10-2015 more >>

Reserve Bank holds the Official Cash Rate (OCR) at 2.75 percent

Global economic growth is below average and global inflation is low despite highly stimulatory monetary policy.
29-10-2015 more >>

One person households fastest growing household types in NZ

One-person households are projected to be the fastest growing household type in New Zealand, increasing from 390,000 in 2013 to 580,000 in 2038, Statistics New Zealand said today. They will account for 27 percent of all households in 2038, up from 24 percent in 2013.
29-10-2015 more >>

Investors upbeat but worried by regulation - ANZ Property Investment Survey

Residential property investors are confident, have reduced debt ratios and are looking to buy more properties – but see government intervention as their biggest risk, according to the 2015 ANZ Property Investment Survey.
27-10-2015 more >>

Paula Bennett on tenancy reviews, resetting expectations and fostering community ownership

In opening the Community Housing Aotearoa’s 2015 Conference, Paula Bennett outlined a number of issues
22-10-2015 more >>

Dynamic, inspirational, entertaining.

Dolf de Roos was all of these and more. As the keynote speaker of the 2015 NZPIF, he began his first session with the advice “preach what you practise” and then proceeded to outline the variety and depth of his experience – his practise – in property investment. Here are some gems from his very wide ranging presentations during the weekend
20-10-2015 more >>

Review of the rental market

Andrew King gave an excellent review of the rental market at the 2015 NZPIF Conference in Auckland on Saturday 17th of October.
20-10-2015 more >>

Premier landlord award goes south

Angela Strang is 2015 Landlord of the Year. She is a member of the Southland Property investors’ Association and was presented with this prestigious award at the annual NZ Property Investors’ Federation Conference held in Auckland at the Crowne Plaza on Sunday
19-10-2015 more >>

Succeeding as a property investor and achieveing capital growth

Kesh Maharaj was a powerful speaker at the NZPIF Conference, sharing his ideas about the attitudes and systems which lead to success as a property investor. His presentation was brimming with excellent points about the systems new investors to plan and monitor the development of their portfolios
18-10-2015 more >>

Buyer classification provides a new level of understanding

Jonno Ingerson has been analysing the housing market data in terms of who is buying what?
17-10-2015 more >>

People in rental housing more likely to report housing problems

Renters were almost twice as likely to report a damp house problem as home owners in 2014, Statistics New Zealand said today. Just under half of renters reported they had a problem with dampness or mould, compared with around one-quarter of home-owners.
15-10-2015 more >>

Auckland, Northland and Waikato/Bay of Plenty driving real estate market in September

REINZ, the most up to date source of real estate data in New Zealand, announced today that there were 8,174 dwelling sales nationwide in September 2015, up 38.3% on September 2014 and up 5.3% on the previous month, August.
12-10-2015 more >>

Green Party's Residential Tenancies Amendment Bill

Despite the minimum standards not even being in law yet, the Green Party has already reignited the issue with their Residential Tenancies Amendment Bill. A large part of this Bill is the call for a full WOF for rental property.
04-10-2015 more >>

Gains of property sales targeted from today

Revenue Minister Todd McClay says the new bright-line test, which comes into force today, will improve compliance with the current residential land sale rules and help to ensure that people pay their fair share of tax on gains from property sales.
01-10-2015 more >>

Bill English speaks about housing affordability

He talks about the way that we approach economic policy in one area in particular – the housing market.
29-09-2015 more >>

Government seeks community input on social housing

Treasury and the Ministry of Social Development are looking to identify further opportunities for the supply or transfer of social housing, Ministers Bill English and Paula Bennett say.
28-09-2015 more >>

Report from the Rules Reduction Taskforce

New Zealanders are fed up wasting time and money trying to work with loopy rules. We were tasked with identifying rules and regulations which are not fit-for-purpose and which impose unnecessary bureaucratic burdens on property owners and businesses.
22-09-2015 more >>

Community providers boost social housing

Eight new properties being opened today show the importance community organisations play in housing vulnerable New Zealanders, Social Housing Minister Paula Bennett says.
15-09-2015 more >>

Official cash rate reduced to 2.75 percent today

Statement by Reserve Bank Governor Graeme Wheeler
10-09-2015 more >>

Results: 501-525 of 2,389